Apple CEO Tim Cook Pounds Another Nail Into the Keynesian Coffin

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As most readers are now aware, technology giant Apple Inc. has in the past few days been the recipient of juvenile attacks from U.S. Senators on both sides of the political aisle. Its alleged misdeed: the legal shielding of overseas earnings from corporate taxation stateside.

Funny here is that back in 2001 Sarbanes-Oxley was foolishly passed to ensure that CEOs watch out for shareholders. Twelve years later Apple chief Tim Cook is under attack for doing just that.

Congress, ever eager to spend money not its own, is bothered that Apple would have the temerity to not expose all of its earnings to U.S. taxation. Politicians exist to spend, and Apple is apparently not giving them enough to spend despite the billions in taxes it hands to the feds on an annual basis. The hubris of the political class is surely limitless.

After that, the Apple story offers a real-world path to analyzing the effect of Keynesian stimulus programs. It says here that the Apple example reveals with great clarity just how anti-growth is the oxymoron that is ‘government stimulus.'

That's the case because whether right or left, it would be hard to find anyone so deluded as to say the federal government can allocate capital in ways more stimulative than can Apple. The technology behemoth employs 75,000 around the world, not to mention an exponentially higher number of individuals whose jobs are a function of Apple's great success.

Notable here is that Apple's ability to employ so many is solely a function of those with savings voluntarily offering them up to the Cupertino, CA technologist. For having done so many have seen the value of their delayed consumption skyrocket alongside Apple's frequent ability to provide consumers with what they want.

Assuming Cook had chosen to expose all of Apple's earnings to U.S. taxation he would not only have been fired, but it's also the case that the revolutionary creator of iPhones and iPads would have less in the way of funds to access in order to continue to innovate.

To Keynesians of the Paul Krugman variety, the above would not be a problem. In their staggeringly obtuse view of the world, how capital is allocated is of no consequence; the important thing being that money is spent with abandon. To the Keynesians who worship at the altar of consumption, the economic ideal is to get the money spent as quickly as possible.

In a very small sense the Keynesians are correct. Were the aimless and wasteful spending of money the path to Nirvana that they presume, they'd have a point about forcing individuals and corporations to hand over their earnings to the federal government. Politicians are experts at spending money, and if given it, they always do just that with speedy abandon.

Of course ignored by the Keynesian elite is that how capital is allocated is of great importance. In the private sector failed companies and ideas are quickly starved of capital so that they can waste no more of it, after which new and better ideas move to the front of the line for investment. That's surely not the case when it comes to government outlays with the money of others.

Indeed, when politicians and government workers (their salaries coerced from the hands of those they rule, quite unlike how investors voluntarily pay Apple salaries) allocate the funds they tax away, there's no market discipline to restrain them and starve their errors. Better yet for the feds, their failures are rewarded with even more taxpayer funds.

Looked at in the most basic of lights, does anyone think a federal government known for ‘Bridges to Nowhere,' squirrel robots and loans to the Solyndras of the world is a better steward of capital than is Apple? Does anyone think federal spending is more economically stimulative than Apple's careful, market disciplined capital allocations? The nature of the question answers it, at which point even the mildly sentient would have to agree that Tim Cook did the U.S. economy a huge favor for protecting Apple's earnings from prodigal hands of politicians.

The logical reply to the above is that not all companies are like Apple. That's certainly true, but if Apple weren't profitable then it's simply the case that it would have no profits for the feds to tax at all. Put very plainly, it's the successful companies that are meeting the needs of the marketplace that have earnings to tax. In light of the previous tautology, the adolescent lie that is Keynesianism is suffocated. Corporate taxes fleece the successful institutions so that the federal government can hand their earnings over to those whose skills don't meet the needs of the marketplace.

About all this, conservatives who decry Keynesianism shouldn't be spared criticism. Captivated by its failed absurdity more than they would like to admit, they've used the Apple story to pound away on a repatriation tax that keeps dollars ‘overseas.' No, it does not.

Those dollars earned ‘overseas' are in most instances sitting in banks right in New York, at which point they're lent at a market rate of interest to ideas deemed sound by creditors. Lost on conservatives and Keynesians alike is that a dollar saved is a dollar lent; the repatriation tax an irrelevant waste of time obsessed about by conservatives who should know better. As for the ‘excess reserves' that banks claim, and that are sitting at the Fed, they're merely a function of the Fed's policies of ‘quantitative easing' that are even more inimical to economic growth than government spending and taxation. Put simply, the Fed created dollars for banks that the banks didn't want.

Back to Apple, amid a limping economy we should be very thankful that it has blocked billions from reaching the obnoxious hands of politicians. Those billions, sitting in banks ahead of being lent, mean that more funds will reach concepts that offer the possibility of growth; growth something that federal spending decidedly does not eventuate.


John Tamny is editor of RealClearMarkets, Political Economy editor at Forbes, a Senior Fellow in Economics at Reason Foundation, and a senior economic adviser to Toreador Research and Trading ( He's the author of Who Needs the Fed?: What Taylor Swift, Uber and Robots Tell Us About Money, Credit, and Why We Should Abolish America's Central Bank (Encounter Books, 2016), along with Popular Economics: What the Rolling Stones, Downton Abbey, and LeBron James Can Teach You About Economics (Regnery, 2015). 

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