Using Religion to Fight Inequality, the Left Sinks to a New Low

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As a tactic to win the midterm elections first and the White House to follow, prepare for a religious awakening among liberals with more divine inspiration and healing than a Pentecostal revival. Of course this epiphany has nothing to do with faith and redemption; it does, however, have everything to do with a sacrilegious deception for power.

Using tax policy as scripture, Democrats will begin to preach "income inequality must end." Heather Wilhelm reports that Illinois, of all places, was the test kitchen for this modern crusade. It's where Rev C.J. Hawking attacked the proportional tax policy as "a moral imperative," and Rev. Jason Coulter preached, "The gospel tells us that I'm called by my faith tradition to speak truth to power when I see injustice being done. And a flat tax is an injustice."

Democrats will base their electoral fight in the coming months by preaching a moral high ground that will redefine righteousness based on a twisted version of "for everyone to whom much is given, much will be required."

The only thing "moral" about such blasphemy is the sad attempt to provide immoral cover to raid more taxpayer cash for government redistribution programs under the liberal divinity of race, class, and victimhood.

Mind you, this is coming from those who pray to a solar, sustainable, spirit god and who despise folks who "cling to their guns and religion." You are forgiven for being suspicious of a group who suddenly is compelled evangelically to save the masses from income inequality. Who knows what they will find next in their liberal hymnal: the war on women, abortion on demand, white privilege?

Liberals have hit a new low with their "god's on our side" epiphany. The exemplification of moral purity as a defense mechanism to hold power and control over their rudderless lives so as to avoid self-awareness is shameful.

We should not be surprised by this tactic. Since the ends justify the means for radicals, why not use phony biblically based moral outrage against opponents. Truth be told, when you're a self-anointed demigod whose "faith" is in government, what difference does it make if you all but say "to hell with the creator!" After all, you're too busy engineering heaven on earth.

There is just one problem to their new found sermon; democrats have ignored basic economic facts of taxation. Let's debunk what the secular choir will be singing to confuse the voter.

"Proportional taxes are unfair."

Proportional taxes actually meet the equity and ability to pay principles of effective, efficient, and "fair" taxes. With a proportional tax everyone pays the same percentage but those who earn or spend more pay more. For example: if you buy a $50,000 car and the Fair/proportional tax is 10%, then you pay $5,000 in tax. If, on the other hand, you buy a $5,000 car, your tax is $500. By paying the same percentage, everyone is offered the dignity of being treated equally, and those who afford more pay more. Isn't that what liberals are always demanding?

"We have to raise the progressive tax rate so the "rich" pay their "fair share."

In reality, progressive tax rates, like the federal income tax, might meet the ability to pay principle but not the equity principle. Progressive taxes have varied tax rate percentages depending on income so taxpayers are not treated equally. Currently the top 20% of income earners pay more than 90% of the income taxes, while the bottom 50% pays less than 3% of the income taxes. Who's actually "paying their fair share?"

Progressive rates discriminate by holding different citizens to different standards of performance. This diminishes the dignity of economic worth of some citizens and creates class divisions. Isn't that an injustice liberals claim they are against?

There you have it. Condescending secular progressive liberal's using a "what would Jesus do" formula, and sure that God fearing people are ignorant, are willing to cross a sacred line and politicize Christianity for personal gain. Smug democrats can say Hallelujah all they want, but all the Amens in the world will not change the fact that what they are peddling is just socialistic snake oil. Talk about "speaking in tongues!"

Dean Kalahar recently retired from teaching economics and pyschology.  He has authored three books, including The Best of Thomas Sowell, a user-friendly guide to Sowell's insightful thinking on a wide range of social and political issues. 

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