The Unsung Reasons Why Rand Paul Is Right About the Fed

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In response to Sen. Rand Paul's efforts to pass "Audit the Fed" legislation, Richard Fisher, outgoing president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, lashed out at the Kentucky senator last week. In an interview with The Hill, Fisher asked "Who in their right mind would ask the Congress of the United States - who can't cobble together a fiscal policy - to assume control of monetary policy?"

There's much that should trouble readers about Fisher's statement, but perhaps not for the reasons commonly assumed. To show why, it's most useful to get the "shooting fish in a barrel" stuff out of the way first.

Fisher abhors the notion of more detailed congressional oversight of the Fed, but then the Constitution is very explicit that Congress is empowered "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof." Fisher is no doubt right that Congress is filled with incompetents prone to egregious error, but that's not the point. The law is the law. Also, fairly explicit in Fisher's question is that the Fed is in fact is staffed by competent types; a rather debatable presumption. More on the presumed competence of the Fed in a bit.

Another argument that is popular among Fed skeptics concerns the dollar. Naysayers point out that the dollar has lost over 90% of its value since the Fed came into existence over 100 years ago. About this, the dollar's value is hugely important since the investors who create all jobs are tautologically buying future dollar income streams when they commit capital to new ideas. That Fed officials almost to a man and woman (not Fisher, to his credit) think devalued money is the path to consumption heaven at the very least calls into question the common sense of those in the central bank's employ.

Still, what's too often forgotten is that the dollar's exchange value versus other floating currencies, or in a more sane world its value in terms of gold, is not a Fed function. It's a Treasury thing, and more specifically U.S. presidents generally get the dollar they want. So while the dollar certainly has lost a sickening amount of value since 1913, and has done so to the U.S. economy's major detriment (odd here again is that most Fed officials think devalued money a good thing), this truth is not the fault of the Fed. In fact it was FDR who devalued the dollar from 1/20th of an ounce of gold to 1/35th in 1933, it was Richard Nixon and John Connally at the U.S. Treasury who delinked the dollar from gold (much to then Fed Chairman Arthur Burn's dismay) in 1971 on the way to further declines, and while Presidents Reagan and Clinton pursued strong dollar policies in the ‘80s and ‘90s, it was President George W. Bush who reversed our dollar course in the early 2000s.

Implicit in the silly notion that the Fed caused the dollar's decline is the view that the Fed "prints money," only to force it into circulation, thus driving down the dollar's value. The obvious problem with such a view is that "money printing" by its very name leads to reduced money supply, by definition. Simply put, good money (there's a reason the Swiss franc is strong despite its plentiful supply) is heavily demanded by producers and traders, while devalued, unstable money is anathema to them. Even if the Fed could print money in the way that some presume, the act of doing so would actually lead to a reduction of dollars in circulation, not an increase.

So with the traditional - and sometimes confused - responses to Fisher out of the way, we can now focus on why the Fed needs oversight. Exhibit A is former Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn's 2008 utterance that "A model in the Phillips curve tradition remains at the core of how most academic researchers and policymakers-including this one-think about fluctuations in inflation." Put as simply as possible, the alleged wise minds at the Fed think that low unemployment, economic growth and prosperity cause inflation.

Transfixed by charts, "output gaps" and "slack/tightness" when it comes to the supply of labor and capacity, most Fed officials think it's their job to manage economic growth so that we don't prosper too much and cause the economy to "overheat" on the way to inflation. Who cares that the only closed economy is the world economy such that U.S. producers regularly access the world's supply of labor and capacity when they produce? Who cares that thanks to entrepreneurial innovation most of us no longer deal with a live human being when we pump gas, buy airline tickets and go to the bank, thus muting any presumed labor-supply problems? Who cares that inflation has historically been seen as devaluation of money that always and everywhere slows economic growth, yet per Kohn's statement most Fed officials think prosperity is inflationary? For its confused views on the nature of inflation alone, the Fed very much needs to be audited.

And then there were the bailouts. Former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke gravely told former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that absent the bailouts of the banks that the U.S. economy would fall into a recession so brutal that would it would take us decades to recover from. Ok, so Japan and Germany were each reduced to rubble during World War II, even worse both countries lost at least a generation of their best and brightest to a hideous war, but within a few years of the war's end both were once again listed among the richest and most prosperous nations in the world. Japan and Germany rebounded fairly quickly from total devastation, but the U.S. economy couldn't survive the failure of institutions like Citigroup; the latter having been bailed out by the Fed (this factoid came to me directly from a former FOMC official who asked to remain off the record) 5 times over the last 24 years? For the absurd reasoning behind bailouts that greatly weakened an economy reliant on failure (failure is the constant genius behind Silicon Valley's wealth) and a healthy financial system (government is now the #1 client of finance according to former Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack), the Fed most definitely needs serious oversight.  As my upcoming book (Popular Economics) argues with great constancy, a world without failure is a stagnant one.  

What about "money printing"? Well, the Fed hasn't been printing money in pursuing the most adolescent of monetary policies (quantitative easing), but to foist QE on the economy the Fed has been borrowing enormous sums of money from the banks. Put more bluntly, the Fed's QE amounted to it borrowing $4 trillion from banks that it turned around and allocated across the economy. Precisely because members of the Fed think Ben Bernanke a better allocator of the economy's resources than you, me, Paul Tudor Jones, and Warren Buffett, the Fed most definitely needs audit-like oversight.

Other than the price of the dollar, the price of credit is easily the most important in the world. Figure a proper price reached in the marketplace is the way that those desirous of accessing the economy's resources can borrow from those who have access to them. Yet the Fed thinks it can and should regulate access to credit, all the while decreeing it "easy" when markets think it should be tight. Fisher buys into the horror of central bank credit allocation as evidenced by his assertion last July, "I believe the time to dilute the [easy money] punch is close upon us." In truth, the Fed should have no role whatsoever when it comes to how much or how little credit there is on offer. More important, the Fed misses the essential truth that "tight" credit is just as healthy of an economic scenario as is "easy" credit. It is because it signals the happy process whereby lousy commercial ideas are being starved of resources so that good ones don't go without. In truth, tight credit is the path to easy credit, but on this subject (like so many) the Fed gets it backwards. For trying to centrally plan access to the economy's resources, the Fed seemingly begs for oversight.

Yet arguably the biggest reason that our central bank needs babysitting is one that is perhaps least often mentioned. To be blunt, recessions, despite the near-term pain they bring, are in fact beautiful. Recessions are a wondrous sign that an economy is fixing itself, that it's starving so that Google can attain more funding, that the Mike Shulas of the world are being replaced by their betters in Nick Saban. Without recessions there is no growth simply because recessions ensure that the myriad Webvans in our midst are put out of their misery so that they're no longer consuming the economy's always limited resources. Despite this truth, our Fed thinks its job is to shield us from recession, and it attempted to do just that in 2008. We to a high degree can blame the slow recovery on the Fed's hubris; the latter having robbed us of what would have been a staggering rebound.

In short, Rand Paul is right that the Fed needs a constant audit. He may not even know just how right he is on this one. If we ignore the certain truth that the Fed has never been non-political or independent, we can't ignore just how dangerous are its doings.

Fisher's surely right about the incompetence that defines Congress, but what he seems to miss is that it very much extends to our central bank. Big time. So while most in Congress are surely clueless about the ongoing economic damage that is the Fed, accountability has to mean something. Congress must audit the Fed simply because someone somewhere must be on the hook for the Fed's actions. Senator Paul is right about the need for a Fed audit, perhaps far more than he realizes.


John Tamny is editor of RealClearMarkets, Director of the Center for Economic Freedom at FreedomWorks, and a senior economic adviser to Toreador Research and Trading ( He's the author of Who Needs the Fed? (Encounter Books, 2016), along with Popular Economics (Regnery, 2015).  His next book, set for release in May of 2018, is titled The End of Work (Regnery).  It chronicles the exciting explosion of remunerative jobs that don't feel at all like work.  

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