Andreessen: The Next Big Thing in Tech


Many of the big trends in technology today are a result of the proliferation of mobile devices around the world, venture capitalist Marc Andreesson told CNBC's Maria Bartiromo. 

"There's a huge amount going on right now and lot of it has to do with the fact that we have the smartphone boom," Andreesson, co-founder of Andreesson Horowitz, said. "We have smartphones in the hands of 2 billion people around the world. That'll be 5 billion people in five years."

With so many people connected to the Internet on their mobile devices, that should lead to significant opportunities to build big companies, particularly application companies, on the back of this trend, Andreesson added.

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Many of the big trends in technology today are a result of the proliferation of mobile devices around the world, venture capitalist Marc Andreesson told CNBC's Maria Bartiromo. 

"There's a huge amount going on right now and lot of it has to do with the fact that we have the smartphone boom," Andreesson, co-founder of Andreesson Horowitz, said. "We have smartphones in the hands of 2 billion people around the world. That'll be 5 billion people in five years."

With so many people connected to the Internet on their mobile devices, that should lead to significant opportunities to build big companies, particularly application companies, on the back of this trend, Andreesson added.

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