Grover Norquist vs. Donna Brazile on Keystone, EPA, Jobs


BRAZILE: The American people… want jobs, They want the Congress to focus not just on keeping their jobs and winning the next election, but also providing jobs for the American people. That’s what those [approval] numbers reflect. [...]

NORQUIST: If you look at the economy, the President is not delivering. Certainly the Republicans have passed a series of pieces of legislation that Boehner keeps referencing that would allow jobs to be built, such as the pipeline down through Nebraska that the President is killing. There are quite a number of similar energy positions, energy projects that the president’s EPA and others have killed with hundreds of thousands of jobs lost as a result. If we had job creation from the bottom of his recession, which is June — July of ’09, the way we did from the bottom of Reagan’s recession, we’d have several million more jobs today than we do now. We have a lousy economy.

ELLIETHEE: I just have to disagree. You want to call it a good economy? It’s an improving economy and by zero measure, zero measure can you say anything otherwise.

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