Gartman: 'Market Wants to Go Higher'


Dennis Gartman is back to buying stocks and is "pleasantly long" on the market after bailing out in early April.

"I'm back to being pleasantly long," said Gartman on CNBC Monday. "Two-and-a-half weeks ago, I became very scared and went to neutral...No question about that. Last week, I went back to being pleasantly long. I may even get to being aggressively long. The market wants to go higher."

Gartman, publisher of the "Gartman Letter" said on "Fast Money" April 10 that market action on the morning of April 4 scared him out of the market. "I'm not sure what happened, but something happened between 11 and 11:15, that everything turned on a dime," he said at the time.

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