Roubini: What's Worrying Me


In an interview with Bloomberg at the Milken Institute conference, Nouriel "Dr. Doom" Roubini said, war in Ukraine could tip 'fragile' and 'uneven' Europe back into a recession, " I would say the last thing that the eurozone can afford and need right now is another shock coming from an increase in gas prices and or even a cut off of supply of gas coming from Russia to the Western European economies. That would tip the European economies back into a recession if that were to occur."

Roubini also expressed concern regarding Chinese: "I would say the other big tail risk is the one coming from China. I spent many days in Beijing just last week, and I would say that while the consensus believes that China’s going to have a soft landing, growth above 7 percent the next few reads, my reading of the data is that because of the build up of leverage, because of the need to rebalance the economy from fixed investment to consumption, they’ll have to slow this excessive credit growth."

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