Nouriel Roubini & Peter Schiff Duke It Out


It was "Battle of the Bears," Round Two, between Roubini and Schiff.

Nouriel Roubini, co-founder and chairman of Roubini Global Economics, foresees an economic recovery, low inflation and a stronger dollar ahead. Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific Capital CEO and chief global strategist, disagrees and says we need more production and falling prices to help the economy.

"I thought I was 'Dr. Doom until I met Peter," NYU economist Roubini said Wednesday. "Compared to him, I'm 'Dr. Boom.' He has been predicting a collapse of the dollar, gold going through the roof and inflation rising sharply. I just see the opposite. I see the U.S. economy—which, in spite of QE1, QE2, QE3—there's going to be an economic recovery."

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