Donald Trump: I've Already Sold a "Tremendous" Amount of Stocks


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on the 2016 presidential race, Pope Francis, Syria, North Korea, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. markets. Trump said he's already sold all of his stocks and that we're in a bubble.

DONALD TRUMP: I'm very proud to say I never bought stocks. But a number of years ago I bought a tremendous amount of stocks, and I sold them a year ago. And I'm very proud. At first, I said," Oh, I made a mistake, I sold my stocks, and the market looked up." Now I can tell you I'm way, way ahead. So I'm very proud of that. I'm a non-stock buyer. In other words, I listen to your program, but not for stock advice.

Money was so readily available...But I saw this coming. I've been talking about a bubble...I think you sorta alluded to it. But, I've been talking about a bubble. We are right now in a big, fat, ugly bubble...

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