Bruce Bartlett: I Voted for Trump to Destroy the GOP


Bruce Bartlett, former Treasury and White House economist, discusses his vote for Donald Trump and shares his political views.

KELLY EVANS: Our next guest has a op-ed on today that is causing a stir. The headline is "I Voted for Trump to Destroy the GOP." It outlines how the death of today's Republican Party is essential for its long-term survival. We're now joined by the author Bruce Bartlett, former Treasury and White House economist. Great to have you with us. These are pretty strong words. In the piece, you are basically saying that people who are voting for Trump are pretty wrongheaded.

BRUCE BARTLETT: I think that Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general election if he gets the Republican nomination. But that's why I support him because I really think that the Republican Party needs to face up to the fact that it's gotten on the wrong track. It's been taken over...a hostile takeover by forces of intolerance and crazy people. They really need to get back to a more reasonable, moderate governing majority and I think the best way to bring that about is for the party to lose big with Trump at the top.

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