Secretary Prtizker on Hillary's TPP Flip Flop: "I Don't Understand"


Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker expresses confusion about Hillary Clinton's stance against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. Clinton, who served as Secretary of State while the deal was in its early stages of negotiation, called it the "gold standard" of trade deals in 2012. But candidate Clinton, running in the Democratic primary against Bernie Sanders, has come out against the agreement.

PENNY PRITZER: Frankly, having looked at this agreement, studied this agreement...I think it is the gold standard. It is the toughest trade agreement out there in the world.


But frankly, the idea that 12 countries have come together and said, "We're going to lower tariffs. We're going to raise labor standards." You know, the fast growing service export in the United States is our digital products. Think of our leadership in the world. TPP creates an absolute level playing field for American companies.

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