Trump: We're Headed for a Massive Recession "If I'm Not Elected"


SEAN HANNITY: You said we're headed for a massive recession...

DONALD TRUMP: If I'm not elected. If I'm not elected. I did make the statement. I did make the statement. Because we're in a massive bubble. We have money that's the cheapest money we've ever had yet nobody borrows unless you're very rich. If I want to borrow money, I can borrow all the money I want to borrow, but if you aren't really rich, you can't borrow money. So you ever hear of cheap money that nobody can get? We're sitting on a bubble. The stock market is very inflated and very...

Now, we have to straighten out our country. We owe $19 trillion in debt. The budget, you know, they talk about Paul Ryan. Well, I like Paul Ryan personally, but this omnibus budget from three months ago that they passed is a disaster. It gives Obama the money to bring people in from Syria. It gives him the money to bring the illegal immigrants in. It gives him money for Obamacare, which has to be repealed and replaced.

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