Joe Scarborough: How Does "Paul Ryan Wing" Talk to Working Class Americans?


Banks, Wall Street pay, income equality, and jobs will be a huge part of Thursday's Democratic debate in Brooklyn, and Steve Rattner looks at what Democrats and Republicans can do for middle-class Americans and whether or not the country's biggest banks are actually getting bigger.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: But if you could make a suggestion to the Republican Party moving forward, knowing that they're market-driven, small-government types, what would be the one thing that you would recommend the Republican Party adopt to reach out to working class Americans that now feel deserted by, let's just say, the Paul Ryan wing of the party?

STEVE RATTNER: Well, I think there is a long-term category and short-term category. All the stuff people say about education and training and things like that are all really important. But that's a generational change. You are not going to take some 55-year-old guy and suddenly make him into a software programmer. So I think you basically have to do the long-term stuff for a generation and then I think then you have to think about the shorter-term things...

SCARBOROUGH: Would be like payroll tax cuts...?

RATTNER: Payroll tax cuts or this idea of wage insurance where if you lose your job and you take a lower paying one, the government gives you up to $10,000 or half of your earnings, whichever is less, for two years to help cushion the blow. I think if some of these people had seen something coming from the government toward them--some sign, some symbol that the government was trying to help them--then maybe they would be a little less angry, maybe they'd be a little more rational.. Maybe they would be in [John] Kasich's camp or somebody else's camp.

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