Books: Rainer Zitelmann's "In Defense of Capitalism"

There’s a creeping victimhood within a U.S. conservative movement that has long decried the victim culture. This reveals itself most notably every time the Left “cancels” one of its ideological opposites. In his 2019 book The Smallest Minority, Kevin Williamson (not a victim) joked about how very interested publishers were in the aforementioned book after The Atlantic fired him three days into the job. The wildly talented Williamson quipped that overnight he was THE story on the Right, and it paid dividends. It arguably still does.

Since some on the Right (full disclosure: my policy views most definitely tilt libertarian) think the Left is out to get them and the people they admire, the path to fame, intense interest in your views, and relative fortune (this is, after all, writing and punditry) is to have those meanies on the Left “cancel” you. Yours truly once referred to it as the Right’s “Cancel Industrial Complex.” We’re all victims now, or something like that.


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