Partisanship Masking As Ignorance: The Story of U.S. Pollsters
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Partisanship Masking As Ignorance: The Story of U.S. Pollsters
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Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movies frequently lamented: Why must I be surrounded by idiots? But there is something worse:

Partisanship masquerading as incompetence.

Pollsters - and their amen corner in the mainstream press - have proved beyond the shadow of any doubt they are practitioners of that low art - before, during and after the presidential election.

Which still hangs in the balance.

For months prior to Tuesday, the pollsters had Joe Biden not only up in practically every state but up by double digits in several of them. They projected a fait accompli

A Biden blowout.

This was duly reported - if you can call it that - by the same media that reported nothing - literally,nothing - about the Biden family’s unsavory business dealings with Chinese communists. Which, unlike the fact-free assertions reported endlessly about “Russian interference” and President Trump, are substantiated by first-person witnesses involved in the thing, such as Tony Bobulinski, the former business partner of Joe Biden’s son Hunter, who has gone on record with facts

Never mind.

The same media reported as gospel the pollsters’ double-digit pre-election predictions, which have proved to be off  by orders of magnitude. 

Days after the election, Biden still hasn’t won - despite the best efforts of the media to portray him as the winner. 

Including of states like PA, which the president has won - if you count the several hundred thousand votes he leads Biden by. 

Notwithstanding the “upsets” in Texas and Florida. 

If the president wins NC, and GA - which he is winning, by the numbers - all he needs to do is win Nevada and he . . . wins. 

So much for the polls. Trump may even bring Arizona back from the dead.

So much for the Biden landslide - not so much predicted incompetently but desired ardently. Which is the key to understanding what went “wrong."

It didn’t.

The pollsters - and the in-cahoots press - kicked to the curb any data that didn't support the narrative of Biden Inevitability, including the striking rise in support for the president among black voters, which is higher than it has been for any Republican in 60 years. 

The press did its best to efface the well-attended, hugely enthusiastic rallies for the president during the days and weeks prior to Nov. 3 - while also not covering the lack of any comparable outpouring of support for Biden, who had trouble filling up a parking lot while Trump was speaking to massive crowds that would have been even more massive if not restricted in size by liberal governors such as Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, who used "stop the spread" as the excuse  . . . the one not applied to the "peaceful" protestors.

You'd think the pollsters might have reconsidered their polls in light of such facts. Instead, they doubled down on their fictions. In order to create a perception, which - they hoped  - would lead to the actuality.

It's of a piece with the media’s relentless reporting of every worst-case hypothetical scenario about the Coronavirus  - and its corollary refusal to report any actual good news.

We hear endlessly about “the cases! the cases”! - almost never about the 99.6 percent recovery rate. Nothing about the 0.0-something mortality rate for children and young, healthy adults. No retraction about the "2-3 million" dead that never appeared.   

It’s as if they want us to believe the bad news - even if it's fake news - as opposed to reporting the news. Which is no longer done, not out of mere incompetence, as Fox commentator Tucker Carlson said the other night - but out of maliciousness.  

Observe the "reporting" of the actual election results:

The president led early and decisively in key states like Texas and Florida - which he eventually won - but the media refused to report he was winning let alone that he'd won until it had no choice, creating the impression that Biden still had a chance in those states, which the pollsters predicted he would win. Instead of calling out the pollsters' fabulously wrong predictions, the media covered up for them by not reporting just how fabulously wrong they were.

In Pennsylvania, the president has maintained an impressive lead - and Georgia and North Carolina seem likely to go red - provided the ballots aren’t stuffed any more than they have been in Wisconsin, where an implausibly high 90 percent of the electorate supposedly “voted."

No comment about that. 

If the numbers were reversed - if the polls had been right - there would have been nonstop calls by the same media that the president concede the election immediately. Instead, the election just drags on - and will continue to, until the pollsters and media get the result they want as opposed to the one the country voted for.

A.J. Rice is CEO of Publius PR, a premier communications firm in Washington D.C. Rice is a brand manager, star-whisperer and auteur media influencer, who has produced or promoted Laura Ingraham, Donald Trump Jr., Judge Jeanine Pirro, Monica Crowley, Charles Krauthammer, Alan Dershowitz, Roger L. Simon, Steve Hilton, Victor Davis Hanson, and many others. Find out more at

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