“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” Charles Mackay, 1841, Scottish author of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.
Have you ever heard of the 1374 Dancing Mania along the Rhine River in Germany? Hundreds of villagers in different towns could not stop dancing to music nobody else could hear. They stared at the sky and looked as if they were in a trance. Think Elaine Benes of Seinfeld fame. Some danced themselves to death. Since then there have been reports of nunneries where all the sisters thought they were cats and couldn’t stop meowing. And then there is the ole disappearing penis pandemic, politely referred to as Genital Retraction Syndrome. These epidemics have been occurring sporadically since 300 BC. One of the most recent occurred in Singapore in the 60s. All these psychogenic illnesses start with a few people; in order to be “cool,” the desire “to herd” increases and then “massive” groupthink occurs and everyone else falls under the delusion. Now, suppose there was the internet and today’s omnipresent social media in the 60s during the Disappearing Penis Epidemic? Men from Moscow to Miami would be duct taping their penises (not sure the plural, is it peni, penia, penalia?) to their bellies to keep them from vanishing. Sound bizarre? No more bizarre than the millions of people wearing useless masks, being afraid to go outside and gleefully having their businesses ruined during the “so called” Coronavirus Pandemic. Mark my word, historians will look back on the delusions of our current age with the same astonishment and disbelief that we feel when reflecting on mass disappearing penis hysterias.
One thing for sure, social media greatly magnifies the growth of these psychogenic delusions. Let’s start with fiscal policy and the Federal Reserve. Those of us who are not under a spell of groupthink delusions judge our national expert class by how many times they get things right and what information and mental prowess they have at their disposal that we don’t. Meow. Meow. Meow….. For Fed members to think they can brilliantly manage our economy is more delusional than a bunch of nuns thinking they are cats. At least the nuns can mewl, lick themselves and chase mice; the Fed can do nothing to help the economy, but can do a lot to f#ck it up. For instance, the Fed thinks that the way to stop the explosion in higher prices (which they recklessly call inflation) is to make everybody poorer by slowing down an economy that already sucks. They want to help us by making us poorer. And no one seems to question this delusional thinking because everyone else is meowing thinking they are a cat. (By the way, this is a bit off subject, I stayed at a hotel in Boston in 2019, and to my surprise, they were hosting a Fury Convention. It was the weirdest damn thing I have ever seen, and it still gives me the creeps thinking about it).
It seems that all these mass delusions stem from folks wanting to believe what cannot be true or wanting to be what one cannot be. So Fury Convention freaks, and the gal on my floor making weird aquatic mammal shrieks, you cannot be Flipper the Porpoise. One, Flipper was a fictional character, and you “ostensibly” are a human.
Everywhere I go I am assaulted by “Pride” posters and flags, so now our delusional groupthink society is celebrating the destructive mental illness of gender dysphoria. These people need a psychiatrist or maybe just a good “ass whuppin.” They do not need to lop off their peni (that damn plural thing again) or take hormone drugs so girls can grow hairy chests. More sickening is mutilating children because some weirdo freak has convinced them that they can be the opposite sex. When my boy was 4 years old he wore a green dinosaur suit for 18 months straight. After that, he wore a coonskin Davy Crockett cap and rawhide coat every day for a year. He then wore a Cal Ripken jersey practically every day for years. I am sure at each stage if some delusional numnut asked him if he wanted to “transition” to a dinosaur, Davy Crockett or Cal Ripkin he would have said yes. This is weirder than dancing medieval Germans (the worst dancing race on the planet), meowing nuns and disappearing penia (damn, that word again) combined. You idiots are making history as the biggest groupthink mass delusion of all time. You make the Jim Jones punch drinking cult look like a Presbyterian church picnic.
How about electric vehicles? 98% plus of all cars are gas powered. Throughout this industry, there are thousands of gas stations, pipelines, refineries, oil rigs, auto parts stores, international shipping, etc. Yet, the absolute mindless group think delusion is “fossil fuels” are bad. Yet, the truth to those not looking down at their crotch to see if their genitalia have vanished is fossil fuels are awesome. The world is cleaner and healthier than it has ever been precisely due to fossil fuels. The meowing mobs tell us that carbon dioxide is bad, but no life on earth can exist without it. Many parts of the earth were much warmer 1,000 years ago when there were no combustible engines. Moreover, we have 6,000 years of recorded history where politicians tell ridiculous lies to spread fear in order to aggregate power and riches to themselves. Wake up you dumb asses!
On the day of the Uvalde shooting, 400 million guns in circulation did not kill any school children. One evil demonic punk did, so on any given day, your gun or anyone else’s gun has a .00000025% likelihood of being used in a school shooting. Yet, your gun has a 100% probability of deterring in whole or in some degree someone who wants to kill you. You have a much higher likelihood of your penis disappearing than your gun being used in a school shooting. Yet politicians, like Lindsey Graham (a tragic victim of a vanishing penis), scream with their pinkies in the air that the solution to school shootings is to disarm the good people to make it easier for bad people to blow away little children in classrooms. Back to that 6,000 years of history thing. Tyrants disarm their populations, and once done, they line people who disagree with them up against brick walls and shoot them.
So if you owe your allegiance to a “herd,” it is because you don’t have the self-confidence to think for yourself. If you are afraid that people won’t like your telling the truth, come on in the water! I am loathed and disliked my millions! Pissing people off by telling the truth is enormous fun, and you don’t have to worry about your penis disappearing.