The Government Is About to Shut Down. Pop the Champagne Corks!
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Boo Hoo. The government is about to shut down. Pop the Champagne corks!

Remember 2020, the federal government shut down the whole world! President Trump listened to the “experts” and made the wrong decision. Millions of self-employed people were deprived of their livelihood. Many lost their businesses.  In effect, their property was stolen from them by the federal government. The same federal government that increased its spending by 40% while it put its boot on your neck, ruined your livelihood and told you not to go to church or seek medical treatment.

Now the same people who shut YOU down are belly-aching because they might be slightly inconvenienced by a government shut down.

Oh, the hue and cry we hear from the establishment class!  Some federal workers might go without pay! They won’t, but if they do, I say tough sh#t. If you work for the feds, you should anticipate that there might be a government shut down and save accordingly. Does that sound cold hearted? Well, in the private sector the reality of possibly losing one’s job is something all understand and most prepare for.  Then there is my favorite element of the work force, the self-employed. For tens of millions, there is no guarantee of a weekly paycheck. They only eat what they kill. These are my kind of people. If you ask me, I’d be in favor of a constitutional amendment giving them 2 votes in federal elections. For that matter, I’d be in favor of legislation that states no one who draws a federal paycheck (except the military) or has a contract with the federal government can vote in a federal election.

The bastards running the federal government shut your business down and enriched themselves, but they don’t want to be slightly inconvenienced fiddling while Rome burns. Your 435 mostly slimy house members and 100 senators ( mostly opportunistic grifters) are entrenched in Washington where they perceive themselves as august demigods who bestow great benefits on the public through their charity and wisdom. Never mind that they seldom exhibit any wisdom and they did not earn or own the charity they dispense. The easiest thing in the world is to spend other people’s money.

Early on my parents taught me not to say the word “hate.”  When I was 7, I think my mother washed my mouth out with soap once for using that word, though it is hard for me to remember as my mouth was regularly cleansed at this age for other utterances for which my Puritan mother disapproved. Therefore, I will not say that I hate the political class. I loathe them. I dislike them. I abhor, detest, execrate and am revolted by these clownish charlatans and sniveling weasels.

I dislike the Democrats because of their avaricious appetites for power and lust to control everything we do, even what we think.  I almost dislike the Republicans more because they are pussies. Oops, sorry Mom. They talk a big game about cutting waste and regulation, individual freedom, etc., but they never fight for these things. What is particularly galling to me is why they are such weak-kneed Sallyboys. They want to be liked! They want to get invited to Georgetown cocktail parties. Free wine and brie cheese and obsequious sycophants kissing their rings! I call Washington insiders the “soft hands” crowd. I remember a decade or so ago,  a friend of mine invited me to go to an Episcopal Church in Georgetown with her. All the men I shook hands with at coffee hour, all part of the Washington intelligentsia had soft hands. It was like shaking hands with a pillow.

The other day I ran into my cousin Kelly Sutton, a great guy, a VMI man, retired from the tobacco business. He was laughing and telling me of some woman who told him how much she hated me. I was overjoyed. It made my heart swell with pride. Leadership is doing the right thing and being disliked for it. Let me tell you, I get a dopamine release by pissing people off. Kelly and I are both descended from Captain Sylvanus Smith. He answered the call at Lexington and Concord as a militiaman, joined the Continental Army and left his home for 8 years fighting the British for independence. And these candy ass Republicans can’t stand up and fight when the worst that will happen to them is the soft hands crowd won’t invite them to the next watercress sandwich luncheon!

Armageddon is not upon us. The government has plenty of ways to keep essential services going should an appropriation bill not be passed. In fact, it can do so for months. But more importantly is how we all are being played. In the last 50 years, Congress has only passed all of its appropriation bills on time in accord with their own rules and constitutional responsibilities 4 times. The soft hands crowd does this to blackmail you. They shirk all manner of responsibility by spending money like Hunter Biden at a crack house, and then Chicken Little like try and scare the bejesus out of you by telling you the world will end if the proposed continuing resolution, loaded with irresponsible spending is not passed in the next 12 hours. I ha…., oops, sorry Mom. I loathe these lying bastards.

I will leave you with this one point. The Republicans are playing poker and they are holding a royal flush. Has anyone read the Constitution or the Federalist Papers? All appropriation bills begin in the House of Representatives. The Framers wanted the body closest to the people to control the purse. The House can control how many paperclips the federal government spends. In fact, this is their primary purpose.

Here’s how to win the battle. Propose a budget that slashes government spending, including no pay for political insiders who have weaponized federal agencies. The House can hold out for years taking this stance. Sure, there will be a standoff. Hooray! In time the government may well get to the point of truly not having the money to fund essential services. Then the House can pass a CR that only pays for essential services. Is the Senate truly not going to allow those bills to move forward? In fact, the House can pass a CR every week to give the government exactly what it needs, but not what the soft hands crowd wants.

Anybody with a lick of sense knows that the federal government is out of control, and if its reckless spending is not curtailed, disaster looms.  So a guy like Sylvanus Smith (and many others) picks up his musket, starves and freezes to death for 8 years to form the greatest country in the history of mankind and these cowardly, soft handed Republicans don’t have the courage to standfast and endure the most minor of sacrifices?

Contempt is not a strong enough word for political cowards.

Robert C. Smith is Managing Partner of Chartwell Capital Advisors and likes to opine on the Rob Is Right Podcast and Webpage.

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