How Did the U.S. Become Such An Amazingly Rich Country?
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What drives prosperity in the United States? How did we become such an amazingly rich country? Is it our natural resources? Educated Populace? Infrastructure? Nope! Nothing propels wealth more than the Rule of Law, more specifically our cherished Anglo-American jurisprudence.

The United States was blessed to have been founded by Englishmen. We inherited their laws and legal traditions, some of which date back to the earliest Anglo-Saxon “colonials.” A system of legal principles developed based on real life resolutions of practical disputes. The core principle on which fifteen hundred years of case law developed is an individual’s right to inviolate enjoyment of his property and person. The Common Law is pure, unaffected by petty tyrants, political deviants, publicans, kings and self-aggrandizing opportunities. With its central mission to protect the rights of property owners and their persons, an extremely logical and beneficial basket of principles developed. Based on natural law, these principles guide us in our daily activities by giving us reasonable expectations on what is proper and lawful and what is not. The Common Law is eminently sensible because it is founded on the law that God has manifested to the world, it is hard wired into our DNA.

According to C.S. Lewis, “natural law shows that the Being behind the universe is intensely interested in fair play, unselfishness, courage, good faith, honesty and truthfulness. However, natural law gives no grounds for assuming that God is soft or indulgent.”(Citation).

When the populace accepts that the “law” is fair and equitable, order and proper conduct is established. Commerce can proceed with reasonable expectations. Citizens can pursue their self-interest and happiness without fear of arbitrary arrest.

The United States also inherited British constitutional principles, and of course we expanded on them. The United States Constitution is the most remarkable legal document in the history of the world. It actually restricts the power of the central government. If a power is not enumerated, it doesn’t exist, at least it is not supposed to. Most criminal laws are now codified into statutes, but many statutes are the result of adjudicated case law.  For example, under the common law all crimes were deemed to have been carried out with a guilty mind, i.e. criminal intent.  Again, leaning on natural law, the common law recognized that there was a difference between a malum in se act and a malum prohibitum act.  Relying on common law principles, but also recognizing the fundamental unfairness of how political rulers abused the law to punish their adversaries and those not deemed worthy of fundamental fairness, the Constitution is imbued with protections for individuals against government power.  Protections against such things as warrantless search and seizures, suspension of writs of habeas corpus, ex-post facto or Bill of Attainder laws, and the establishment of rights for such things as free expression, to bear arms,  trial by a jury of peers,  the right to cross examination, equal protection under the law and due process.

Our law as written and handed down to us is our greatest blessing as a nation. It is a creation of God’s hand, manifested to us by the Creator. Thus, “the law” should be revered and respected by all those charged with its operation, and as such its administrators must be honest and nurture it as a mother nurtures her young son. But that ain’t happening, and the current assault on the Rule of Law in this country is not only a threat to our Republic but will inevitably lead to mass chaos and the crumbling of all our venerable institutions.  Really bad stuff. We are headed in the direction of another Red October and perhaps a civil war to prevent another Red October from happening.

Perhaps you read my recent Dostoevsky book review, Demons, where the dangers of nihilism are on full display. The major theme: life without God is hell and indeed leads to a hellish earthly existence. I’m not suggesting that one has to be a practicing Christian or Jew to be a faithful administrator of the law, but I am saying that such functionary must recognize and be faithful to the natural law, the law of right and wrong (God’s Law) as articulated in Lewis’ Mere Christianity. One cannot be a nihilist and be faithful to the Rule of Law. And just like 1872 Russia, there are nihilists among us so filled with hatred that they are willing to destroy everything with no concern for the consequences.

When a judge, jury or prosecutor abuses the law out of political expediency or engages in judicial activism,  that official is a judicial nihilist. It is akin to urinating on the Mona Lisa, but worse. This official is killing the law and, in my opinion, deserves the gallows more than a convicted murderer. This official is killing the world’s greatest golden age and will be responsible for many more deaths than the murderer. The Rule of Law is precious. Without adherence to it,  there is chaos, despair, poverty and perhaps a thousand years of darkness.

How did we get here? The genie was let out of the bottle during the George Floyd riots and look where this has inevitably led. Look what our nihilists have done. The riots were based on a provable and ridiculous lie. Hordes of Visigoths were unleashed in our streets. They were the shock troops, the Brown Shirts of the Democratic Party, which has now been taken over by low IQ, hate filled nihilists. It was today’s “Reichstag Fire Moment” that let the bad guys take over the government. It is almost incomprehensible what has happened since, but it is easy to see why such things have happened. If the Rule of Law is breached, where nothing happens to domestic terrorists burning down cities who openly profess their nihilism and desire to overthrow the country (read the stated goals of BLM and antifa), then other hate filled nihilists are emboldened. Anything goes. There are no pangs of consciousness signaling that certain behavior is wrong.  Thus, we have election officials who engage in massive election fraud, a DOJ that conducts warrantless searches on political enemies, law enforcement agencies that demand that news platforms squelch free speech, show trials, thought crimes, SWAT teams descending on ex-presidents, political prosecutions and a criminal class that is told that they can steal whatever they want, and they won’t be prosecuted. The fiercest foe of Donald Trump should be appalled at how politically charged prosecutors and judicial officials have abused their power.  Merrick Garland, Christoper Wray, Lolita James, Fani Willis, Jack Smith, Judge Erdogan and others are the true insurrectionists because they are over-throwing the Rule of Law.

I recently was approached by a high-level New York prosecutor. He recognized me from my podcast and told me he had moved to Virginia because all of the new law school graduates his office hired were actually saboteurs, and trained to be this way at their woke law schools.  They misreported facts to their more seasoned colleagues specifically such that no one could be prosecuted. They are agents provocateur. Nihilists. They are everywhere. Why?

We cannot have a functioning judicial system unless officials love the law more than they do political expediency. Honesty, fairness, love of our fellow man are divine attributes, and frankly there are only two ways to get our country back from the judicial nihilists. One is to have a Christian re-awakening, much like the Great Awakenings of the past. Perhaps then, it will be cool to be honest and take cues from the omnipotent source of goodness.  The second way is to take note of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence that gives the people the right to alter or abolish the government when it becomes “destructive” to the ends of liberty. This likely can only be done through force of arms. Judicial nihilists are moving us to civil war. That’s why I loathe them so.

Hey, don’t shoot the messenger, I’m telling y’all the plain truth. 

Robert C. Smith is Managing Partner of Chartwell Capital Advisors and likes to opine on the Rob Is Right Podcast and Webpage.

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