So what do Gangsta Boo and Douglas MacArthur have in common? Answer, together they offer the solution on how to fix the cesspool of higher education. Stay with me…..
If you are one of these tight ass white guys who goes to the symphony twice a month, you may not know Gangsta Boo and her signature song, Where Dem Dollars At, so have a LISTEN. Boo’s profound wisdom is the remedy to fixing many political, economic and social ills. Folks, always and I mean ALWAYS take Boo’s advice, follow the MONEY and ask “where dem dollars at?”
Now let’s turn to the “American Caesar.” During MacArthur’s brilliant Pacific campaign, he illustrated and practiced a strategy that if employed today would immediately fix higher education. It would fix many other ills as well. It’s simple. Cut the money off! Instead of landing troops on every Pacific island, MacArther leap frogged many an island and then starved the interlopers out of resources. In essence, he cut the money off.
Higher education, i.e. academia, is a left-wing money laundering scam. Universities receive gazillions in federal and state money. Taxpayers are played for suckers, hoodwinked by politicians who tickle the emotions of the unthinking with their banner cry “we must support higher education.” But what this actually means is “we must keep the dollars flowing into our autonomous fiefdom where the lords of our realm support each other at the expense of the lowly serfs who do our labor for us.” The “lords” of course are leftist politicians, government employees and academics. Leftist politicians bestow massive amounts of tax money to universities. Enormous salaries are paid to administrators and faculty that support leftist causes, and in return produce “academic” studies that favor leftist politicians and their policy initiatives. The same is true with government programs that supposedly advance education. Statist government robots lick the boots of those paying their salaries. All of this produces a condescending hubris for those receiving their big salaries. These folks think very highly of themselves, yet they are merely the recipients of a corrupt money laundering scheme. The world would be a much better place if these fraudulent flunkies were run out of academia and forced to get jobs slinging fast food or mopping floors. Sadly, dimwitted Republicans lack the testosterone to dismantle the system and stop the corruption.
I am a member of the Jefferson Council , a group formed in January of 2021 to fight the cultural Marxism at the University of Virginia. The four pillars of the Jefferson Council are 1) freedom of speech and intellectual diversity, 2) preservation of Thomas Jefferson’s legacy, 3) revitalization of the University’s storied Honor Code, and 4) upholding the dignity of the University’s architectural gem, “the Lawn” as a World Heritage site.
Since the Jefferson Council’s founding 3 short years ago, you wouldn’t believe what it and others have uncovered. What has been found in essence is a sophisticated money laundering scheme led by the University’s administration, most notably its president, Jim Ryan, who is a slithering, slimy, fork tongued snake. A clever rhetorician, he makes representations to the public about honoring the Jefferson Council’s four pillars but does the exact opposite in secret by deploying taxpayer money to destroy everything that made the University of Virginia great. Recently, an outstanding organization, Open the Books revealed that the University spends over $20 million/ year on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, i.e. “DEI.” DEI is a subterfuge, a Ryan-esque feel good term that means the exact opposite of what it purports to be. In reality, it is an intentional, divisive and tremendously destructive initiative to obliterate traditional scholarship and indoctrinate students into a cultural Marxist philosophy. This movement dates to the 1923 founding of the Frankfurt School in Germany and has been slowly creeping its noxic fumes into academia for over 100 years. It has now reached its ascendency. There are at least 235 DEI officers implanted in every corner of the University. Some of these “party apparatchiks” make over $500,000/year, one of which has a salary of $600,000/year. The University is not Ohio State, it is a fairly small state school with a huge private endowment. On a student per capita basis, it is the largest of any state school and one of the largest of any university. While the world was shocked by the $20 million figure found by Open the Books, that amount is the tip of the iceberg of the corrupt money laundering operation going on beneath the surface in Charlottesville. Since Ryan came to Virginia from Harvard, all his administrative hires have been left leaning Ivy League ideologues who have set up a “party apparatus” system much like the NAZI organizational structure of the 1930s. To be hired at the University, a new hire must pledge his support to the “Party” by proclaiming his support for DEI. It is nothing short of a loyalty oath like the one Whitaker Chambers took when he joined the “Party.” It gets worse, in addition to taking the “loyalty oath,” faculty members’ jobs are dependent on their commitment to leftist ideology. Performance evaluations require virtually every employee, whether a Nobel prize winner or a worker on the grounds crew illustrate what they have done at the University to promote the radical ideology of DEI. If you think I am being hyperbolic about “radical ideology,” take the tour of the Grounds and listen to the teams of militant, purple haired trans docents tell you why you should hate the University and its founder Thomas Jefferson. The $20 million that Open the Books found was all itemized indicating that each employee had a “DEI” job description, but with every employee required to take a loyalty oath and be a DEI apparatchik, the entire school has been radicalized. Now, the kicker……it has recently been revealed that when the Board of Visitors were all appointed by Democratic governors, it voted to spend $1 billion on DEI initiatives. ONE BILLION DOLLARS!
One would think that the Board of Visitors and President Ryan have a fiduciary duty to the Commonwealth to be transparent about all funding and spending. This is the universal rule among virtually any officer having control of other people’s money, but no, the University hides almost all of its spending. It has purposefully not recorded Board of Visitor meetings in an effort to conceal its leftist agenda and excessive spending from the public. My brother Walter has served over 200 FOIA requests on the University to investigate policy initiatives, spending, hiring practices, minutes from meetings, etc. The University does everything it can to withhold substantive information. As a lawyer and investment advisor, I can tell you, it is universally true that when one is accused of financial impropriety and that person or entity does not immediately come forward with full disclosure proving the accusation unfounded, the accusation is almost always true. The fact that the Ryan administration is so dishonest goes to the heart of the Honor System, and perhaps explains its disdain for such system. For us old alumni, the University of Virginia is synonymous with its venerable and ancient Honor System. One must not lie, cheat or steal. Period. Yet, now the leftist cabal in control of the University have proven itself to be professional, unrepentant liars, cheaters and stealers.
Here is just one example of Walter’s FOIA requests. Jim Ryan’s published salary is around $800,000. Walter found a document that said Ryan was entitled to extra deferred compensation. Interestingly, the document did not say “how much” or “how” such compensation was to be derived. Walter followed up and FOIA-ed Ryan’s deferred compensation package. The University answered by stating there was no agreement related to Ryan’s deferred comp. None. This of course is impossible. The shamefulness of such a bold face lie is absolutely startling. Just recently Open the Books found that Ryan’s deferred compensation was $600,000 making his yearly compensation $1.4 million. That number could go higher as Ryan and the University are still withholding financial information. Imagine a public university that not only won’t disclose what its president makes, but lies about it! In Open the Books’ most recent FOIA request, the University is asking to be paid $45,000 to cover its costs in providing additional financial documents, all of which can be found and sent to Open the Books in an afternoon. The University is using taxpayer resources to play slimy lawyer games to keep the taxpayers and donors in the dark about their malfeasance. They lie. Their conduct is completely anathema to the ethos of honesty that was the foundation of the University for nearly 200 years.
There is much more to this story. I’ve been contacted by many a professor, hired before the Ryan Red Revolution complaining about the Stalinist work environment where one can be reported for having a non-DEI viewpoint. There’s an extreme anti-Semitic culture at Virginia and Ryan does nothing about it. Jewish students are slurred, spat upon, assaulted, afraid to wear their yarmulkes or speak up in class. The University has dropped its academic standards in the classroom and in admissions. It purposefully seeks out students that are progressive and who will be good little Bolshevik foot soldiers.
Back to Gangasta Boo. WHERE DEM DOLLARS AT Jim? You lying weasel. What we have is a secret money laundering operation. Tuitions go up every year and those loyal to the “Party” get paid $600,000/year to be DEI officers whose job it is to give the order “ Sie müssen der Partei gehorchin!” It’s a racket, much like an organized crime syndicate. Showing no loyalty to stakeholders is malfeasance. Lying about it is fraud. Diverting funding from its intended purpose is a criminal act. The money needs to be cut off. Jim Ryan and all his hires need to be fired immediately (personally, I’m for tar and feathering and appearances in the stockade, but I’m old fashioned that way). The students learn nonsense and incur massive debt, the taxpayers get screwed, civil society suffers, but the lords of the fiefdom eat white truffles and live in white columned mansions.
It’s Battle of Luzon time boys. Like McArthur who battled the enemy for nearly 4 years before retaking the Philippines, it’s time to retake the University of Virginia from its woke invaders.