It’s always tough after college basketball season ends. College football doesn’t start until late August. I go into withdrawal. I need something to watch. Thankfully, this year we have the Palestinian riots on college campuses. This is fun. My teams, the Georgia State Patrol, the NYPD and the Virginia State Troopers have been blowing out the competition. The highlights are awesome. I’ve now played the VIDEO where the Georgia patrolman tackles and then picks up the screeching Emory co-ed and carries her off to the paddy wagon 100 times. I think Kirby Smart should sign that dude up. It’s so much fun watching the pink haired punks scream out in pain when the police officers barely touch them. Every day brings new videos. It’s better than watching Sports Center on ESPN.
I can’t ever remember donning a keffiyeh and taking over an academic building when I was in school. The only time I can remember taking to the streets in Charlottesville was when Virginia beat Carolina at Carmichael in Chapel Hill. It was the second time Virginia had beaten Carolina that year. Jeff Lamp scored the last 18 points of the game. We ran out into Rugby Road because we were happy. It was just like when Japan surrendered. I remember walking up to Mary Alice Simpson, the babe of babes, and planting one right on her lips just like the famous Alfred Eisenstaedt V-J Day photo of 1945. One must take advantage of opportunities when they arise.
Why wouldn’t we be happy? We were in college. It was like being at summer camp for four years. We didn’t have mortgages or kids to put through private school. The workload was nowhere near as grueling as adulthood. Life would never be this easy or carefree. Yet, have you seen how angry today’s college kids are? I guess being happy and thankful are antithetical to the woke agenda, no doubt they are “colonizer” concepts. Ironically, no generation has ever had a softer life and more luxuries at their fingertips than the Ivy League Punk generation. It’s sad, but it’s also great comedy. A Saturday Night script writer could not make this stuff up! The entitled snot nosed punks at Columbia “take over” Hamilton Hall, which means they rush in, trash the place, refuse to leave and deny everyone who works in the building access. After the nitwits locked themselves in the building, they figured out they didn’t have anything to eat or drink (these brainiacs are Ivy League students). Then their spokesman, Johannah King-Slutsky appeared (yes, that’s really her name). Slutsky is getting her PHD in “romantic imagination.” According to Columbia, she’s “interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination.” Wow, let’s hear it for Columbia! For $400,000 in tuition and a giant bag of reefer, your daughter could learn to write a nonsensical and meaningless sentence like that!
After trespassing, trashing and refusing to let others enter Hamilton Hall, Slutsky demanded that Columbia make arrangements to bring the criminal trespassers snacks and meals. Bring us vegan sandwiches and soy lattes or we will all die! Like I said, this is really funny stuff.
We are truly living in Bizzarro World! Perhaps since the “Summer of Love,” we’ve all been conditioned to think these protests are normal and as American as apple pie, but they’re not. These are not protests, but criminal acts of extortion, plain and simple. Give us what we want or we will break things and hurt people. There are a million ways to engage in free speech without inconveniencing others or disturbing one blade of grass. The most useless segment of our citizenry are students at elite universities. They are literally children with no life experience and for the most part no marketable skills. It’s laughable. Their hubris is a direct result of being told how “special” they are by professors and academic elites who think they themselves are specially anointed with supreme wisdom because the bubble in which they live tells them so. What we are witnessing are children throwing a temper tantrum because they have been spoiled by their academic elders, who consequently have never grown up themselves. The videos I enjoy the most are when the cops body slam professors. I especially enjoy the post-game shows, where the professor wearing the fanny pack and Birkenstocks literally starts crying due to the trauma of being arrested. Guess what Slick, this is what happens when you trespass and destroy property. The narcissism is hilarious. These profs think just because they teach a class in postmodern lesbian poetry, we should care about their opinions! Funny! Then, there are the silly nursery rhyme like chants. In what world is any serious person swayed by such imbecility? It’s a clown show.
The rest of this article is not so funny. Recently a non-woke professor at a top 5 law school told me that he asked his first-year class of 75 students how many had ever received a W-2. Only 6 had ever had an after school or summer job! These empty vessels are ripe for radicalization and that’s the one thing today’s modern universities do well.
The BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement on college campuses is not organic, it is a well-funded, dark money operation geared towards indoctrinating empty vessels, otherwise known by the term Vladamir Lenin coined, “useful idiots.” Think of it as Scientology for future terrorists. During college orientation, virtually every campus will have a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) booth. SJP is funded by American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), but since AMP is not a 501 (c) (3), in order to receive tax exempt donations it uses a 501 (c) (3) named Americans for Justice in Palestine Education Foundation (AJPEF), which coincidently has the same address as AMP. Money is funneled through these groups such that it is difficult to trace and ends up on college campuses. The same people who fund HAMAS, also fund these groups and many of these contributors get money from Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world and the country that publicly claims it wants to exterminate all Jews. Under the Obama and Biden administrations, Iran received over $115 billion from the United States. Gee, I wonder what Iran does with this money? If Barney Fife were the head of the FBI, he’d track down the dirty money and prosecute the offenders for criminal conspiracy, but our FBI does nothing. These college organizations are funded with terrorist money. Not IRA type terrorists, a car bombing here, a car bombing there, but terrorists who want to kill every Jew on the planet.
A myriad of leftist groups also funnel money to pro-Palestinian and virulently anti-Jewish organizations. Media groups have already identified many of these donors, such as George Soros, Fergie Chambers and James Carlson, all of whom contribute to BDS organizations. Fashionable “foundations” funded by Bill and Melinda Gates and the Pritzker family in Chicago have also been tagged, and media sources are now stating that many of these contributors are large donors to the Biden campaign. Why, you might ask? You need to familiarize yourself with woke ideology and the concept of “intersectionality.” Anything that “brings down the man” and causes division, chaos and destruction furthers the nihilistic appetite of leftist revolutionaries. If you don’t believe there is a Marxist revolution going on at college campuses, surf the course curricula at any elite university and dig into the profiles of their professors. If you search, you will find. Over and over, you will see references to the teaching methods emanating out of the Frankfurt School, a Marxist “think tank” (oxymoronic, I know) started in 1928 Germany. Professors are open about their adherence to these principles, and you will find a plethora of reading material on such topics as critical theory, cultural hegemony, anti-capitalism and the teaching philosophies of radical Marxists such as Paul Foucault and Edward Said. Such teaching methodology aims to break down the student, much like the Marine Corps breaks down a raw recruit, strip him of his old identity and separate him from his family and societal conventions. Students are taught that every demographic group is successful ( i.e. Jews) has done so because it ruthlessly oppresses others and every group that sucks, sucks because it has been ruthlessly oppressed. Before you know it, young frosh like Dick and Jane from the Summit, NJ burbs are filled with rage, hate their parents and are throwing bricks at cops.
I’m enjoying seeing these ultra-woke universities exposed for what they’ve become. I delight in the smokey smell of self-immolation. Like Dr. Frankenstein, academia has created a monster and now the monster has been unleashed on its maker. It’s great theatre. I love watching cops play smash mouth offense. I love the great open field tackles, the takedowns and the body slams. But the biggest high is the schadenfreude, that special joy one feels reveling in the misery and disappointment of the defeated foe.
And the coup de grace? The IDF invasion of Rafah is imminent.