Joseph McCarthy was largely right about all of the fellow travelers he exposed within the United States government. When the Soviet Union fell and its files were opened, there it all was. McCarthy was right all along. All the beautiful people hated him. Alger Hiss was from an old Baltimore family and was a graduate of Harvard Law School. He was part of the “prettyboy” set that went straight from the Ivy League to positions in the federal government. He was also an agent of the Soviet Communist Party. You don’t get to be a part of that team without being a true believer, and that means going along with planned executions, mass murder and creating mass starvation in Ukraine to get the kulaks off their land. The Commies had a rigorous vetting program, just ask Whitaker Chambers. Well, since he is no longer with us, read his monumental account of being a Communist spy in Witness.
The point is this. These people from very posh upper-class backgrounds who went to elite Ivy League schools can be just as evil, perhaps more so than Charles Manson. The foundational roots of all leftist thinking are hatred and jealousy. The adage that power is the greatest aphrodisiac might not be true; it could be hatred, but nevertheless, combine the two and the result is the most evil potion the world has ever known. Think about the hundreds of fellow travelers in the Roosevelt administration, ostensibly all nice boys, but all of whom bought into the political notion that the ends justify the means. It was ok to kill your political opponents and their supporters by the millions if it hastened the arrival of the socialist utopia.
Well guess what, things have not changed. McCarthy had damning direct evidence on many of “reds” that he exposed. He got into trouble by exposing others with no direct evidence. Nevertheless, he was usually right and that’s because as free-thinking human beings, endowed with the ability to reason, we can use our deductive reasoning faculties to arrive at conclusions that are almost certainly true.
Sometimes Latin phrases are helpful in driving home a point. If a phrase has been around for 2,000 years, it must have some gravitas. Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. The phrase denotes consequential thinking. If someone lies in one thing, he likely lies in everything. Consequential thinking combines people’s past actions with the inherent frailties of our human condition to derive at notions of what nefarious activities they are doing or are capable of doing.
I am not some Alex P. Keaton who hero worships Republican politicians. I loathe the political class. Nevertheless, I always vote Republican because I agree with most of their ideas, and I think generally they are better people than the Democrats whose ideas are horrible. My philosophy is human beings are flawed and all of us are corruptible.
Donald Trump was shot on Saturday. It blows my mind that the Secret Service and the FBI are investigating the crime and we are to trust their findings. This is the same FBI that created the Russian collusion hoax. The same bunch, that along with the Justice Department have arrested and jailed little old ladies for merely being on the Capitol grounds. The same bunch that attempted to entrap a bunch of down and out losers to kidnap Governor Whitmer of Michigan. The same crowd that has put scores of knowingly innocent people in jail for non-crimes. The same crowd that refused to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden for financial crimes despite having all the evidence on Hunter’s laptop.
Yet, the same crowd can’t investigate abortion clinics that are bombed and trace the dark money paid to rioters who terrorize American cities. The Justice Department fabricated evidence in the Mar-a Lago documents case. The J-6 committee destroyed all its records because much of it was exculpatory evidence for J-6 defendants. The FBI raided James O’Keefe’s house because he had a copy of Ashley Biden’s diary which contained a passage of repeated showers with her father when she was a young girl. Over 160 suspicious activity reports from Biden wire transfers were reported to the Treasury Department, and the FBI did nothing. The IRS targeted Matt Taibbi the day he was to testify in front of Congress, a Tony Soprano move, if ever there was one. Consequential thinking: if you are capable of putting a 72-year old lady, aka the Praying Grandma in jail for merely walking into the U.S. Capitol, what else are you capable of? If you are capable of sending swat teams in armored trucks to bust down your political opponents’ doors for allegedly stating something meaningless and inconsequential that is arguably incorrect to the FBI, what else are you capable of? There are some really, really bad people in our government.
The Biden administration has refused Secret Service protection for Robert Kennedy, Jr. Why? It can send a $150 billion to Ukraine, but can’t protect someone who is on the presidential ballot? Likewise, the Trump campaign has been asking the Biden Administration for extra security based on real and credible threats. The Biden administration has denied these requests. Why?
I’m not reaching any conclusions, but already the FBI has stated that they believe the assassin Thomas Crooks acted alone, but apparently, at the time this statement was made, the FBI had not even checked his phone or his computer? Why would they say that? Remember, this is the same FBI that planted fabricated evidence in the Russian collusion hoax to overthrow a sitting, duly elected president. What else are they capable of doing? This kid, Thomas Crooks may have been just another mentally insane kid on a plethora of SSI meds. But as we know from the Whitmer case, the FBI uses very damaged people to do their bidding.
I have no idea what happened on Saturday and have no fixed opinions. All I know is that there are really, really bad people in Washington. Leftists are filled with hate and rage, combine this with the aphrodisiac of unbridled power, and otherwise good men commit evil acts.
Having the FBI monopolize this investigation is like having Pretty Boy Floyd investigate bank robberies.