To a certain degree, we all belong to tribes. It takes a strong sense of right and wrong to leave one’s tribe. I’m an Episcopalian, well sorta, maybe, not really anymore. Our church leadership is run by pudgy looking effeminate men, and women who often look like pudgy effeminate men. To prove they are socially superior and of high office, our bishops wear “miters,” ridiculous tall hats that look like something Beldar Conehead would wear. One gets the feeling that all Jr. Varsity clergy dream of being able to sport the miter look one day. Our clergy is usually vastly different from the lay people in the pews. You won’t see them at any NASCAR races. Instead of going dove hunting, playing golf or watching college football on Saturday afternoons, our clergy do other things. Usually, sedentary activities that involve high caloric intakes and adult beverages. Prostrating themselves at the altar of white guilt is a fun activity for Episcopal clergy. Remember the January 2017 pussy protest in Washington? There are hundreds of pictures on social media of Episcopal clergy having the time of their lives doing the very substantive work of our Lord by wearing pink pussy hats with Batman ears. Why, it was orgasmic ecstasy! You have never seen so many smiling faces! Why try and save souls when you can wear a pink pussy hat and listen to Madonna wanting to blow up the White House? When Black Lives Matter tried to burn down St. John’s Church across from the White House, the Episcopal bishop of Washington excoriated President Trump for saving the church and denouncing the violence? Here in Richmond, antifa vandalized the storied St. Paul’s Church and in the process wrote FU#K THE CHURCH on its front steps in big bold red letters. In solidarity with the Marxist protesters who publicly state they want to abolish “the Church,” St. Paul’s decided to keep the graffiti. Why go to the trouble of chiseling “God Is Love” on the marble frieze above the white columns when you can just paint “FUC# THE CHURCH on the front steps! Bishop Schori, the once presiding bishop of the entire church penned a number of articles that denied the divinity of Christ and the Resurrection.
The leadership of the national Episcopal church is a wine and cheese cult where all are expected to unflinchingly toe the line on the newest woke fashion, wear rainbow vestments and give sermons on why it is really cool for young boys to hack off their penises and pretend they are girls. Absolute insanity prevails. Dissent is verboten. A couple of non-pinko minister friends have told me that if they speak up against the mono-think, they will lose their pensions. The national church has gone to great pains to “ethically cleanse” all ministers who don’t buy into the new “if it feels good, especially if it is perverted, do it” church doctrine. Any Sunday, in most any Episcopal church, one can hear an array of nonsensical, feel-good pap from the pulpit. There’s very little intellectual heft, though there is a good bit of pseudo-intellectual snobbery.
The Episcopal Church is a microcosm of the Democratic Party. It too has its leadership mouth nonsensical feel good-isms from its often pudgy leaders. Many Episcopalians have not switched denominations even though they are not in any way philosophically in tune with its leadership. This same anomaly is true with millions of people who consider themselves Democrats. I understand this because many of these Democrats mirror my relationship with the Episcopal Church. It was hard for me to break free. Accepting reality is hard. My family has been active in multiple Virginia parishes since the Jamestown era. Do I devalue all their hard work and contributions by leaving the church? I grew up in the Anglican tradition. I’ve held about every lay office imaginable. The catechism in the back of the Book of Common Prayer is a beautiful testament to what I believe. I love the liturgy, the hymns and my many friends. I’ve labored hard, but the people who run the church are a bunch of insane, heretical lunatics! They have ruined the Church. Guess what Democrats, the people who run your party are insane, heretical lunatics! They’ve ruined your party. If your party endorsed cannibalism, would you throw a baby on the grill and invite your friends over to dinner?
I can see why it is hard for some Democrats to leave their Party. It’s painful to disassociate oneself from an institution where one has such emotional attachment. When I was 18, I ran into my Aunt Mitch, and I told her I was voting Republican. She had a conniption fit, scolded me and said “don’t you know what those damn Yankees did to us!” I reminded her that Reconstruction was more than 100 years in the rear-view mirror, but Aunt Mitch just remembered what was, instead of noticing what is.
So to all you Democrats who cling to idealistic notions about your party and what it stands for, don’t be like Aunt Mitch. What it was years ago, is not what it is today. Be like Rob Smith, a fellow who is honest with himself. Yes, he is cantankerous and meaner than a rattlesnake, but he’s brutally honest. Shake the dust off your sandals and move on. To support something contrary to your values is soul shakingly dishonest. Baptize yourself in objective reality, cast the demons of tribalism aside, separate yourself from the wooly herd and ask yourself do you really believe in the tenets of Kamala’s Democratic Party?
National rent control. Monstrous taxes on unrealized capital gains. Price controls on food. This is flat out confiscation of private property, i.e., communism. Huge, bloated bureaucracy. Open borders and no national sovereignty, i.e., national suicide. Not even the Soviets were this crazy! A country without borders where illegal aliens can just walk in, unchecked, unvetted and receive hundreds of thousands of dollars of free goodies? This is national suicide. A 70% income tax rate, more confiscation of wealth, and speaking of confiscation, she is for confiscation of all firearms, but rest assured the federales will have guns pointed at you if you dare dissent. No meat. Eat bugs, because Kamala thinks cow farts are going to blow up the planet. Right now, Venezuelan gangs are taking over residential communities, and she’s for giving all 20 million illegals the immediate right to vote. She is part of an administration that worked with Big Tech to censor free speech. She wants to destroy the independence of the Supreme Court. Her administration has weaponized all federal agencies against its political enemies. She is on record to not just defund the police, but to do away with the police! She’s a nut job. She supports California laws that have allowed and enabled criminals to rob retail stores at will with practically no repercussions. She is part of an administration that has given billions of dollars to Iran, the world’s # 1 sponsor of terrorism. Her party is controlled by ruthless Palestinian organizations that want to kill not just all Jews, but all Americans as well. She’s for Iran getting a nuclear bomb. She’s for reparations and unlimited spending bills. A never-ending Ukraine war. No gas cars. Weimar Republic inflation and stagnation. Men in women’s locker rooms. Destruction of the rule of law by politicizing the judiciary to reach outcomes instead of following the law. Government teachers grooming children. Megalomaniac tyranny where Big Brother controls everything. All of this is complete and utter lunacy.
So Dems, what does it take for you to wake up? If you continue to support your party, the lunacy will never stop and only get worse, state mandated baby eating is likely around the corner!
Free yourself from the chains of tribalism. Set your conscience free. Come towards the light! Join the happy throngs of the NON-INSANE.
There is no “JOY” in misery.