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Special Report: "Coffee With Ren," the Huawei CEO
Bloomberg's Stephen Engle speaks with Huawei Founder and CEO, Ren Zhengfei, and a panel of distinguished guests in "A Coffee with Ren", an exclusive discussion about digital sovereignty and the future of 5G technology. They also talk about trade with the U.S, information security and intellectual...
How Secure Is The United States Power Grid?
Cyberwarfare is the new weapon of choice for ransom attackers and nation states. And as the more than 9,700 power plants in the U.S. become more high tech, the ways in which utilities can be targeted increase. Still, experts say there are ways to mitigate the risk.
Shaquille O'Neal Discusses Investing, Franchising, and Donuts
Former NBA star Shaquille O'Neal explains how he leveraged his basketball success to move beyond endorsement deals into entrepreneurial ventures with Carnival Cruise Line, Krispy Kreme and other companies.
How Drones Could Change The Shipping Industry
Today, container ships transport more than 90% of all goods in the world, but it can take over a month for those goods to sail from Beijing to New York. Cargo drones could be the disruption needed in a global supply chain that has been largely unchanged since the 1950s. By land, trucks move...
Why Jaguar And Land Rover Face Uncertain Futures
Jaguar and Land Rover are two iconic automotive brands with rich heritages. They also have rocky histories of being passed between owners, with BMW owning Land Rover and Ford owning Jaguar in the 1980s. On the verge of bankruptcy, Tata Motors bought the two British sister brands in 2008 and turned...
Why Star Wars Failed In China
George Lucas' space opera is a cornerstone of the modern film industry and a cultural phenomenon around the globe. The 10 films in the "Star Wars" franchise have grossed more than $4.5 billion domestically since 1977. Outside the U.S., it's garnered more than $4.6 billion. But there is one place...
The Big Brexit Short
On the night of the Brexit referendum the British pound went into free fall, but while many watched with horror, a handful of hedge funds were making staggering profits. This is the story of the Brexit Big Short.
The Bill Walton Show: Arthur Laffer, Father of Supply Side Economics
Dr. Arthur Laffer, the famed economist who ushered in the era of supply side economics during the Reagan administration, sits down with Bill to discuss the policies that work, and those that don't.
Tracking Dodd-Frank Reform
Meet at the intersection of Washington and Wall Street with the most influential minds on the economy. Every Wednesday, Ben White and the POLITICO team will help you understand the economic and financial policies that move markets in the U.S. and around the world.
Common Ground with Bill Walton: Arnold Kling
Independent Scholar Arnold Kling discusses his observations on the "three languages of politics" that pervade American politics.
Reason and Jacobin Debate Merits of Capitalism
Is capitalism the best way to improve standards of living, ensure political and economic freedom, and provide opportunity? Could socialism do better?
Everything You Need to Understand Fracking
Bloomberg's Alix Steel details how shale fracking works and how it's changing the U.S. energy industry.
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff: Every Company Is Getting Closer To Its Customers
Salesforce Founder and CEO Marc Benioff speaks with CNBC's Jim Cramer at the Dreamforce conference about the cloud computing company's next moves including working with big clients like Fox and Caterpillar.
The Economics Of Colonizing Mars
As we get closer to life on Mars, we have to start thinking about what its economy would look like and how that might affect the rest of us here on Earth. There are plenty of creatives who have already been doing lots of brainstorming about this. Science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson is one....
Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson On Space Travel, Hyperloop And President Donald Trump
Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group founder, talks to the "Squawk Box" team about branding, space flights, a meeting he had with Donald Trump and lessons he learned from mistakes.
The Race to Bring the First Bitcoin ETF to Market
Cathie Wood, chief executive officer, chief investment officer, and founder at Ark Investment Management and Bloomberg Intelligence's Eric Balchunas discuss holdings that trade along the lines of bitcoin and the race to bring the first bitcoin ETF to market. They speak on "Bloomberg Daybreak:...
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